Power for All Adventure Therapy
Power For All is a charity that serves clients in the Fraser Valley, BC. The vision of Power for All is to provide universal access to adventure based activities to all clients from all walks of life in spite of physical, cognitive, social ability and financial resources. We hope that through providing access to more adventure based activities, regular therapies such as Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Psychology can expand its medium and use adventure as a way to deliver their services to clients. Research evidence points to adventure based activities as a very attractive and viable therapeutic medium with empowering results for clients and the local community.
Through creative and innovative adventure programming, Power For All hopes to challenge society’s views on “ability” by enabling clients through the use of adaptive devices that encourage independence, inclusion, and ability. We provide bursaries for clients facing extenuating financial circumstances upon referral from community practitioners and/or therapists (i.e. social workers, teachers, youth/child workers, occupational therapist, counsellors, youth pastors, etc).
Our charity has developed good standing within the community we serve, including partners, funders and clients. We have held a fiscally responsible organization that prides itself in continuing to create community relevant programs and partnerships whenever possible. This year, 2024, Spark BC the social planning Research Council of BC granted to Power For All Adventure Therapy Society the Deryk Thomson Award! This award acknowledges the first social worker in BC who developed organic community initiatives to create change and make societies more accessible to All. We are so honoured and thankful for this gift of recognition!