
Join our family and challenge societal stigmas related to disability and participation in adventure. At Power For All we are a small family of volunteers and community partners and we welcome you to the team! We are hiring for the 2023 season a current full-time student going back to studies in the fall.

Every summer we typically hire a summer program coordinator
If you are interested in any of our positions, please submit your resume and cover letter by April 30 by emailing us at:

Thank you for considering us for your place of employment!

If you would like to volunteer as an adventure buddy, you can go to our website for more information:
Power for All will also be looking for a summer program facilitator and a social media coordinator for our summer season, information for this position will be available in May of 2025.

We will be looking for a nature based rehabilitation assistant for the fall season. More details to come in August for applicants.